Monday, August 30, 2010

Smile with your Pussy...Cat

Sorry for the waiting. we have better things to do then keep you main-streamers happy.
any way we recently had a cat photoshoot with some friends. check em out. with each passing day, we will do our personal profiles for our models. sound good? I don't care.

Cat Fight!

me and Sofi were robbed.

Jumping pic is purrfect.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Team Maddie back in business!

This week is the Miss Oklahoma Pageant! our close friend. Maddie Pritner is Miss Broken Arrow and we're ready to watch her kick some pageant ass! tonight is her evening gown night and she will be ravishing! good luck Maddie! we will make Sofi do a pageant in your honor next year.

Isn't she beautiful?


2011 Miss Broken Arrow? I think yes.


Yeah so we haven't posted in two months which is like 2 years in the blog world. For this we apologize. our rest period is over and now we will blog as much as we can. life has been great with all the trips downtown and the midnight trips to the pool. i broke a fence climbing it to get to the pool but that was quickly forgotten when Cody's shirt caught fire. any who, we took some pictures the last day of school and forgot to upload so here they are. we're still as beautiful as ever. i took the liberty of editing these myself with PowerPoint so boom!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jumping is the New Indie Trend.

Hello fellow indie followers. This week was a very good week. Picnics, Theater production auditions, Prom, After parties, Pigeons, you know the usual. We are so indie that after school we go to a park and have picnics. We call this park grinding park it is the indiest place in town (but we won't reveal its location because then it will be too mainstream). Since Sofi got a new camera for her birthday we can't stop ourselves from having indie photo shoots everyday in drama or when we go to the park.

We have high kick competitions during drama and it seems that Elisa kicks too high for her own good.

Nathan pulled Billy Elliot with this jump. He looks like a Mormon missionary, his outfit that day was very indie. Kudos to Nathan.

Even Mrs. Nichols is indie enough to jump with us before class starts.

We jump every where we go! Even when we are not at school, we like being indie 24/7.

We like embracing our inner indie child by swinging and having a good time at the park with the friends that we think are indie enough to be one of us.

Are you indie enough to hang out with us?


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Back to normal

Omg sorry about the long wait. we've been really busy with the musical. you know the less known theatre art? that one. we've been quite consumed with this side project seeing that my band, the Meow Meows decided to replace me for no reason. saying i was "too much of a diva", "talk-ho" or that i was always "hitting sam". whatevs. i just wish they didn't steal all my songs and leave me destitute, my clothing style as a bum hasn't really changed much though. i'm a hipster. i like the worn in look.

here's some pictures of me being a star!

i always practice backstage

Backstage with ciara and sam(the yoko of my former band)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Modest Mouse Couldn't Save The Night.

Expecting a retro 80's twist to our night, we headed to the skating rink, but when we saw all the middle schoolers and lesbians, our dreams were crushed. Suddenly the smell of Prepubescent children polluted the room as Justin Bieber's horrible mainstream music filled our ears with disgust. also it was such a turn off when one lesbian worker killed out fun by saying we couldn't drink coffee while we were skating. It was so not indie of her! To make it worse when we asked the DJ to play Modest Mouse he had no idea what we were talking about. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. This was one night that not even Modest Mouse couldn't fix. furthermore my bruises are a weird shade of purple that none of my accessories match! I really need some coffee right now.

Me and my hipster friends Lauren and Kirstin before our night was ruined.

Sorry if the picture is blurry, apparently Thomas can't take a decent picture in roller skates.

Welcome to America.

On Friday, we met a German exchange student named Nina. Germany is much more indie than mainstream countries like the U.K. I personally like the old Germany over the new one. Everyone knows two Germanys are better than one! Nina is sooo tall! she could be a model. Maybe she could help us find a "gutwill" in Germany. That's how you say Goodwill in German. I'm not ignorant of peoples cultures. I want to go to Germany soon. Amsterdam is my fave.

We don't meet Germans much in Oklahoma. they're very underground. like the music i listen to.

Look how tall she is! Tall beats Short any day. only Thomas and I can pull off the Short look.

The Power Shot.

3/22-3-26 beginning and end of a fashion craze.

The fashion world is very competitive. fads come and go all the time. do you all remember when it was cool to have toe rings? no one does. you can have a craze that's on the top of the world and fall into obscurity seconds later. that's exactly what i witnessed this week. the craze was short shorts. fashion friends of ours, Nathan and Alex brought this article of clothing to the fashion front lines this week. it was met with awe and warm reviews. to me it meant that Spring was finally here. Nathan, Alex and their fashion ally, Garrison were quickly the talk of the Fashion world. this fad was even approved by the one and only "queen on the scene" Kenny Breece. we thought it wouldn't end. Unfortunately, this craze had no chance of lasting after it was quickly imitated and worn by middle schoolers and black people. The once approving feeling turned into disgust. the fad met it's demise. I'm so sorry guys. we didn't want it to end like this.

Kenny Breece shows off the fad he was once proud of.

In the picture above I think Kenny looks like a hot waitress. like this lady. he's much prettier though. i think it's because of the Haircut

Rest in Peace short shorts. I guess the world wasn't ready for you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Election Day.

Today in my school, We had Student council elections. me and sofi, being the popular hipsters we are, were asked to wear campaign shirts by some friends of ours. me and sofi are very involved in politics. We're mavericks. and hipsters. this reminds me of a joke we tell each other at Chocs. "What's a hipsters favorite color? It's really obscure, you probably haven't heard of it." anyway we donned our political garb and wore it as fashionably as possible. i don't really follow the "no black with brown" rule. it's much too mainstream. Maverick

Good Luck Erin and Lindsey! if our Indie fashions can't make you win, then nothing can.


Good Nickel.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Sun has come back.

Yesterday was soooo nice outside. it was such a welcome change tp the snow that ruined my short wearing vibes only 2 days ago. me and sofi wori light outerwear in case it got chilly. you know oklahoma weather, it's so unpredictable. haha. i'm so clever. if you don't understand my humor then maybe this blog isn't for you. it's cool though i need the views to beat a certain someone's blog that's a total ripoff of mine. it's so hard to be me. my life is sooo difficult.

Fierceness is in our veins.

Nathan pulls this spring outfit off perfectly with those colorful shorts.
It brings his entire outfit together.

Hugs and kisses,

Monday, March 22, 2010

Reunited at last.

Spring break is finally over and i got to see everyone again. me and Sofi celebrated by doing our first official post together. it was kinda chilly today in the morning so we wore pants. Sofi did not get a child from Guatemala like i asked her, but she did bring back the coolest fashion accessory, the fanny pack. it's so chic.

I wore my koolaid shirt and got jealous stares all day...

Sofi and I are so Hipster.

we love the Indie things in life.

expect posts everyday. Sofi's back so now it's show time :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Winter Fashions revisited

Sorry about the lack of posts but you know i'm so busy drinking coffee and musing about my love of vinyl records. one day they will replace cd's again. i know it!

Well today is the first day of spring and it couldn't go any worse. God decided that Tulsa looked better with snow on the ground than with sunshine and happiness. This however inspired me to write about me and
sofi's sweater fashions. in winter, sweaters are very fashionable. this is for a couple of reasons. winter is cold so a lot of people wear heavier clothes. sweaters are heavier than most clothes. go ahead, pick one up if you don't believe me. because they're so heavy they keep people warm. being warm is good in winter so it works out. me and sofi have some pretty fierce sweaters.

I have a chic dog sweater

sofi has a lovely cat one

sometimes we wear our matching hoodies. it's alright that they're cookie monster. childhood characters are so passe.

i wore this one to my christmas party

i know she's not wearing a sweater but her outfit is so couture.

hopefully you found this helpful. it's not for me because i'm so ready for spring so i can show some leg.

love your Hipster


Monday, March 15, 2010

A day in the park.

It was sooo warm today. I wore a soft spring-y blouse with this adorable milk jug design and some really fierce shoes! Can you believe it? It was almost hot. Ciara and I went out for brunch and then took a nice walk around her neighborhood before we had to go update this blog. omg i'm soooo addicted lol. The weather here is breezy and heavenly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Phases of our fashion sense...

Before we were so indie, me and Sofi went through a lot of fashion subcultures. the following is a few highlights of our fashion journey...

before I met sofi, she was a jock.

after failing her drug test, she quit the softball team and started her short lived "gangsta" phase.

During this gangster phase, I was also involved in gangs. female gangs, but gangs nonetheless. first, there was the Lions...

then I became a Blue Tigress.

I finally broke away from my gang lifestyle and reformed my life. shortly after this, me and sofi met and became instant friends. at first we got into the "vaquero" phase...

then the geek chic phase....

and finally the Indie phase.